Jul 11, 2013

memoQ error logs - find 'em, use 'em, purge 'em!

It can be very useful to know where to find the error logs for the memoQ Server and desktop (Project Manager and Translator Pro) editions for two main reasons:
  • Including an error log with a message to Kilgray Support (support@kilgray.com) may be helpful to resolve an error more quickly. Look for the error log file that coincides with the time the error(s) occurred.
  • memoQ error logs can accumulate and take up a great deal of space on one's hard drive! This is especially the case after new versions have been released without adequate testing.
How much space am I talking about? After the release of memoQ 5 about two years ago, I purged the accumulation of error logs and recovered some 10 GB of space. The individual files are small, but there were a lot. After the release of version 6, I did another purge, which freed up several gigabytes, and my purge today - which covered the time since the release of version 6.2 at the end of November 2012 - recovered about 600 MB, with very few errors logged for version 6.2 after February. The number of error logs increased again after version 6.5 (memoQ 2013) was released, but they were not too frightening in number, because I still work in the stable version 6.2 most of the time.

Where can these error logs be found? The locations depend on your operating system version. For information on where to find the relevant memoQ error logs, consult the up-to-date information in the Kilgray knowledgebase here.


  1. As always, a very useful (and to the point) post. Thank you very much, Kevin.

  2. As an addendum to my previous comment, here is the new Memoq log link: https://kb.memoq.com/index.php?/article/AA-00287/0/Location-of-memoQ-log-files.html

  3. As an addendum to my previous comment, here is the new Memoq log link: https://kb.memoq.com/index.php?/article/AA-00287/0/Location-of-memoQ-log-files.html


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