Jul 14, 2012

Hacking Trados Freelance Languages

One of the great nuisances for me in working with Trados is the limitation of the freelance version with respect to the languages that can be set. Only five are permitted at a time. If for some reason you need to make changes, the standard advice is to uninstall the application, clean the registry and re-install. All in all a fairly time-consuming process if you are used to more streamlined CAT tools that install in 5 minutes or less. And work afterward. Also, when I install SDL Trados Anything on my Windows 7 system with all the latest schnick-schnack and see Win XP components and runtime engines with dates like 2005 being hammered onto my system, I am... well... just a little concerned. One of these days I expect SDL will refactor its software to make it more scalable and able to match the performance of other leading applications. Until then I will tread carefully with anything involving installation.

All in all, registry hacking, though generally spoken of in fearful terms, is probably the safer, gentler alternative for adjusting the five languages set for Trados. Why would I want to do that, you ask? Although I actually only work with two languages and amuse myself with another two, I get sample files in various combinations I would never dream of handling with requests to look briefly at some technical issue. This week it involves Polish. Up to now my main concern with the Polish language has been to discipline myself not to mistake it for Russian when I've passed 20 shots sampling the variety of vodkas in polite company in that fine country. But today I had to open a TWB TM with English and Polish, and my friend the Flagman said it was verboten.

Fortunately, others have gone before, deciding it's bullshit to waste time re-installing the software for such a little thing, and after a bit of Google Searching I found that the necessary key to hack is the value at HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE > SOFTWARE > TRADOS > Shared > IDNG:

Alles klar? Various users then revealed the Masonic secret of the key: the last ten digits are five groups of two digits each, with each two digit group being a hex code for a given language. Crikey. I take it all back about memoQ regex being obscure. The last part of my key was originally set to
with the last ten digits resolving to
5D - English
53 - German
4D - Russian
58 - French
47 - Dutch

In the screenshot above I've already changed French to Polish (41). After rebooting the computer, everything worked fine and I could have a quick look at the files.

A short list of codes that was shared in the discussion thread had a few errors, which were corrected by other contributors. I'm sure that a bit of research will turn up any other codes needed.
No language set = 84
Afrikaans 67
Azeri 78
Basque 79
Belarusian 77
Bulgarian 56
Catalan 57
Croatian 4E
Czech 51
Danish 52
Dutch 47
English 5D
Estonian 71
Faeroese 60
Finish 5F
French 58
Gaelic 62
German 53
Greek 5C
Hungarian 5A
Icelandic 5B
Indonesian 75
Italian 44
Latvian 72
Lithuanian 73
Macedonian 7B
Malay 63
Maltese 61
Norwegian 40
Polish 41
Portuguese 42
Romanian 4C
For further details, have a look at http://tech.dir.groups.yahoo.com/group/TW_users/message/56130.


  1. Hey Kevin

    this refers to Trados before Studio, doesn't it? Would be nice to know of a trick that does the same for Studio, namely.

  2. Hey - thanks for writing this post! It inspired me not only to work out a full list of language codes (here) but also write a prototype utility script in Perl to change them in a user-friendly manner (here). Finally got tired of manually changing the darn things with regedit - it took too long to find my piece of paper with my favorite language codes on it, ha.

  3. (Oh, I'm working on doing the same for Studio - unfortunately, it's an entirely different system, but at least they kept that same hard five-language limit, right?)

  4. Hi. Now Michael and I have figured out and tested an even easier method than reinstalling or even fiddling with language codes to change the five default languages in Studio 2009 and newer. Using regedit, search the registry for the key LDSRClient. (In other versions of Studio it is called LDSRClient1 or 2, etc.) Right click on the key and rename it to something else, like LDSRClient-saved. That's it! Close and restart Studio. Studio thinks you are using it for the first time and asks you to choose your languages again. Note that you must also reenter any changes you have made to other Studio preferences.

    1. Thanks for this info.
      However, I am running Windows 8.1 64-bit, and the key LDSRClient cannot be found in the Registry.
      Can anyone help, please?

    2. Hi trugge,

      I am running Windows 8.1 64-bit, as well. On the Find tab, uncheck "Match whole strings only". My search came up with LDSRClient2 and LDSRClient3. I renamed both and it worked. I hope this helps.

    3. Hi! And how does it work with Trados 2019? Ican't find neither LDSRClient nor anything similar to this.

  5. Do you have Studio Freelance Plus (2 pc's)?
    I think on the 1st and 2nd pc you can use different language pairs. So in theory you could use 10 language directions (but probably you will use your 3 major language pairs on the 2nd pc as well, so in total you'll have 7).

  6. ---- I have figured out and tested an even easier method than reinstalling or even fiddling with language codes to change the five default languages in Studio 2009 and newer. Using regedit, search the registry for the key LDSRClient. (In other versions of Studio it is called LDSRClient1 or 2, etc.) Right click on the key and rename it to something else, like LDSRClient-saved. That's it! Close and restart Studio. Studio thinks you are using it for the first time and asks you to choose your languages again. Note that you must also reenter any changes you have made to other Studio preferences. ---

    worked in my case - thank you!!! (Studio 2010 freelancer)

    1. Studio 2010?? Splitting the difference between 2009 and 2011? I would be curious to know if the same key is used in later versions.

    2. I just tested this on Trados 2014 and it worked. Thanks !

    3. Thank you for that update, Samuel!

  7. I just used this trick on Studio Freelance 2017 and it still works, thanks so much!

  8. I keep coming back to this site for this trick!
    I can confirm that it works also for Trados 2019.


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