Mar 11, 2012

memoQuickie: feedback comments

Exporting comments in memoQ in a bilingual table for others to comment further and correct, then re-importing to update translations and the TM is a very useful feature. I use it often to inform clients of uncertain terms or errors in the source text. You can too, as follows:
  1. While translating, use Ctrl+M or double-click the speech balloon on the right to open the comment window and comment the segment.
  2. On the Translations page of the Project home tab, select the document(s) with comments to export and click Create view. Choose the advanced options:
  3. Then mark the checkbox for Commented on the Status tab:
  4. To export the new view as an RTF table, select it and click Export bilingual and choose the Two-column RTF option. To refine your options, click Next, or just export the table.

The exported table shows only commented segments:

1 comment:

  1. I wanted to add that a similar feature is available in Déjà Vu (which pioneered such tables AFAIK) and SDl Trados Studio 2011 and possibly other tools (I saw something from a Transit job not long ago that looked like this). This is a very useful feature in all these environments not only for sharing lists of comments and questions to answer efficiently, but also for proofreading or translation by others who do not use CAT tools but where their work must be integrated quickly and easily with a project using such tools.


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