Jul 3, 2011

The "Global Glossary"

Many thanks to English and Italian to German translator Aniello Scognamiglio for sharing with me a link to the most interesting online dictionary project I've seen in a while: the "Global Glossary". The brainchild of Young, Single, Multilingual blogger Michal Boleslav Měchura, a language technologist based in Dublin, Ireland, it has a unique and useful interface. In a post last week, Michal described his 95-language project and his plans for it. Having grown rather sick of the trashy, buggy interfaces of other online glossaries, I find his work a refreshing change of pace, and my initial tests of it suggest that it will have some value to me as a reference. Have a look!


  1. Aniello ScognamiglioJuly 08, 2011 11:15 AM

    Thank you, Kevin.

    Global Glossary recently re-launched with over 25 million entries. It's amazing, I can't think of a bigger dictionary in the world.

    Many thanks to the author, too.


  2. That could be VERY useful, especially as it seems to include English-German or vice versa which are my working directions. I am starting to believe that reading translation blogs is actually really useful, after years of swearing I would just keep to myself, haha. Cheers indeed.



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