Oct 24, 2009

Seminar in London for translating annual reports (German to English)

City University, London, is running a one-day seminar addressing content, style and process issues for German->English annual report translations – perfectly timed for the annual report translation season that starts in December 2009/January 2010!

Annual reports present significant challenges for translators. They span multiple registers and subject areas, require both absolute accuracy and impeccable style, and seem to get longer and more complex every year. This seminar looks at how translators can successfully provide the product and the service clients need for these projects. Topics covered will include the following:

- legal and accounting requirements
- target audiences and text registers
- translator roles and requirements
- bridging the cultural divide – or not…
- critical success factors and golden rules
- clients and all who sail with them
- project framework, planning and processes
- general stylistic considerations
- weasel words, bugbears, and dead horses
- participants’ questions

Presentations on the issues above will be accompanied, where appropriate, by textual analysis and translation exercises. Group participation and discussion is actively encouraged. The seminar will be led by Deborah Fry, Fry & Bonthrone Partnerschaft.

Seminar details:




Course cost: GBP 150, incl. lunch, coffee, tea.

This seminar will only go ahead if a minimum of 12 registrations are received in the next two weeks, so if you’re interested in attending, register soon!


  1. Hi Kevin,

    thanks for your post. This seminar sounds really interesting, even more so than a similar seminar coming up in Germany:
    "Finanzberichte nach IFRS / DRS. Eine Einführung für Übersetzer und Terminologen" in Cologne, Nov. 27/28 by Deutscher Terminologie Tag (http://www.dttev.org/)
    One day of this seminar will be led by Robin Bonthrone of Fry & Bonthrone.
    So anyone who is closer to Cologne than to London might prefer this one.
    I hope to attend :-)


  2. The Cologne seminar sounds like it might be a German version of the course Robin did in London in June. That event was very good. I'm not a financial translator myself nor do I intend to become one, but it has been valuable for the times when I have to support my partner (proofreading mostly) in some of her work in this area.

  3. The Cologne seminar is the annual one-day IFRS fundamentals event that I've been running for the DTT since 2005. Although it will use some of the materials presented at the City University seminar in June, the overall level will not be as advanced as the City University seminar: apart from anything else, the one-day Cologne seminar cannot hope to go into as much detail as my 2-day London seminars.

    Deborah's London seminar will probably take no more than a passing glance at the Finanzteil, and will concentrate much more on what comes before that in annual reports, with a special emphasis on issues such as style and register.

    As such, the two seminars are complementary, rather than competitive.


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